Wednesday, May 14, 2025, 8 – 9 AM
Breakfast for the Arts is a fast-paced feelgood hour designed to get you in, entertained, and off on your way with a full heart and belly.
✅ Enjoy a delicious catered breakfast with unlimited coffee
✅ Watch performers of all ages take the stage
✅ Listen as local people share the impact of the arts on their lives
Since 2002, Breakfast for the Arts has been one of the Cabarrus Arts Council’s premier fundraisers, dedicated to championing local artists with your generous support.
Take a Look at Last Year’s BFTA
Our heartfelt thanks to everyone who came to Breakfast for the Arts 2024!
If you couldn’t make it, you can watch the incredible program video, and then consider supporting arts programs for our schools and community.
It’s not too late to contribute! Visit the link below to support the arts in your community!
Click to view Breakfast for the Arts 2022 highlights and Breakfast (in bed) for the Arts 2020 and 2021 videos.