NEW CAG Class: Color First Ink Later with Mike Daikubara
An outstanding opportunity to use the color first technique to complete urban sketches. This class will be held outside in an urban area and the instructor will provide tips and techniques to create urban landscapes. Sketching a complex scene can be intimidating at first, requiring lots of planning, lots of underlying line work, and lots of time. It might even make you give up starting with the thought of all of this. But there’s an approach to make this go all easier using the “COLOR First INK later” approach. Contrary to the approach of line work followed by adding color, broad watercolor washes of loose color are applied first using a mop brush to get started. Since details are hard to control with this brush, it ultimately makes sketching easier and less intimidating since you’ll give up trying to control the colors. You’ll also quickly find out that it’s really hard to make a mistake at this stage since the colors perform their magic by mixing on their own and thus, you’re actually controlling the colors. Once the initial layer of the color wash has dried, ink brings the details and the focus of the story to life, followed by additional colors and highlights to finish the sketch. This is all done using limited tools in a limited amount of time. The results?! The sketches are more vibrant, dynamic, and overall, just fun! We will meet and sketch the outside exterior view of the beautiful Cabarrus Art Council building. The class will be conducted completely on-location from direct real-life observation. *Please note that we will be sketching outside and will not go inside. Registration Required; To Register: Send an email to mike@daikubara.com; Class Cost: $50 CAG members, $55 non-members; Payment Method: Students can pay through Zelle, Venmo or PayPal, Details will be provided at the time of registration. The instructor is unable to accept Cancellations after 3/14. Cancellations before 3/14 will include a payment transaction fee of $5; A list of recommended supplies will be provided at registration; Cabarrus Arts Council; 65 Union Street S; For more information, visit www.cabarrusartguild.org