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Cabarrus Arts Council Donors

Without our generous donors, the Cabarrus Arts Council’s work would not be possible.  Gifts and pledges received from July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2024 Fund Drive are listed below. If we omit or make an error in your name, please accept our apologies and notify our office.

Shakespeare - $50,000+

Cabarrus County

Mariam and Robert Hayes Charitable Trust

National Endowment for the Arts

North Carolina Arts Council

Mozart - $20,000-$49,999

Atrium Cabarrus

City of Concord

City of Kannapolis

Eli Lilly and Company

Embassy Suites Hotel and Conocrd Convention Center

Hilton Garden Inn

DaVinci - $10,000-$19,999

Corning Inc.

Fifth Third Bank

Independent Tribune


Angelou - $5,000-$9,999

Emily Burkhart

Explore Cabarrus

F&M Bank

Great Wolf Lodge

Hilliard Family Foundation

Town of Harrisburg


Gershwin - $2,500-$4,999

Billy Harrison Revocable Trust for Charity

Angela Clark

Dan and Emily Davis

Bill and Debbie Dusch

Jan Maynard and Kathleen Murphy

Publix Super Markets Charities

Shoe Show

Charles and Liz Stoddard

Uwharrie Bank

Baryshnikov - $1,000-$2,499

Artisan Ice Sculptures

Bradshaw Rogers Financial Partners

Cabarrus Brewing Company

Ghost Atomic Pictures

Polished Event Design & Fine Decor Rental

Town of Midland

Town of Mount Pleasant

Vulcan Materials Company

Applause Society - $1,000+

Susan Andersen

Angela Brown

Karen Cobb

David Davis

Laura Emery

Martin Ericson, Jr.

Chris Faw


Martin and Francene Greene

Wes and Letitia Harris

Jim Hayes

Micheal and Randy Hopkins

Impact Technologies

Julie Jensen-Hall

Nikkeia Lee

Market Street Studios

Matt Miller

Justin and Jessica Moore

Cynthia Mynatt

Gerald and Susan Otteni

Stewart and Julie Roberts

Anita Santa Cruz

Gary Scott

David and Kirby Sheridan

Robert and Glenda Steel

Tri Tang

Michael and Michelle Trombley


Avett - $500-$999

Cheryl Baker

George Bame and Sue Cunningham

Colleen Batcheler

Garet and Kelly Beane

Pete Benbow

Joan Bennett

Blue Chameleon Investigations

Julien and Kelly Booth

Casey Brown

Lynne Auerbach Cohen

Chuck and Pamela Collier

Lee Connor

Cut At An Angle

Glenn II and Melinda Daniel

Alan and Robin Davis

Allen and Martha Dobson

William and Lisa Dunlow

Ellis Jewelers

Scott and Liz Fitzgerald

Sharon Goodwine

Ryan and Sarah Hawkins

Eric and Kaitlyn Herman

Angela Humphrey

Joseph and Nancy Hunter

William and Elizabeth Isenhour

Robbie Furr and Peter Jawidzik

Kimberly Jennette

Robert Craig and Barbie Jones

Rachel LaBell

Sarah McCartney

Jason Norvell

Lawrence and Lisa Ostema

Peggy Perez

Garrett and Amanda Price

Lora Riddle

Jenny Ripley

Michael and Kristin Roberts

Dave Rogers

Peter Schupp

Robert and Sherry Silver

Robert and Lisa Sloop

Ruth-Hanna Strong

Robert and Ruth Suddreth

Jon and Maryann TerPoorten
Walter and Carol Vuchnich
Barney and Margaret West
Renee Wheeler
Gary and Alisha Wilson
Phyllis Wingate
Cynthia Wise
Heather Wittmann
Traci Zeller

Fitzgerald - $250-$499

Juanita Boger-Allen

Cindy Alvarado Stetsky

Simon Arkley

Vanessa Austin

Katherine Barrier

Christopher Barringer

Ernie and Margaret Beall

Deborah Beatty

Kathi Belk

Jonathan Benton

Starr Black

Rocky Bostian, II

Stephan and Kae Bradley

Steven and Leigh Brown

David and Nicki Bryant

Chelsea Bullock

Cabarrus Animal Hospital

Joseph Caldwell

Manuel Campbell

Paul and Margaret Campbell

Cannon School Admission Team

Micah Cash

Andrew and Page Castrodale

Peter and Nancy Chikes

Margaret Cleveland

David Cody

Melissa Cooler

Dan Cottingham, Sr

Lisa Cox

Nancy Cox

Terry and Carolyn Crawford

Tamera Curtis

Wim De Neef

Kim Delaney

Thomas and Jeanne Dixon

Michael and Beth Downs

Cindy Drye

Rhonda Drye

Keith and Rebecca Earnhardt

Lara Fink

Michael Fischer and Ashley Cunningham

Brandon Goings

David Goldberg

Goldberry Books

Alan and Gwynn Goodman

David and Dana Gordon

Dustin Griffin

Kenneth and Leslie Griffin

Elana and John Griffing

Melissa S. Haggard

Merlyn and Susan Hamilton

Walter and Susan Hannah

Ryan Hardister

Amanda Harper

Tonya Harrison

Leah Hartsell

Lynn Hawkins

Sally Heidebrecht

John Robert III and Annett Heim

Jill Hobson

Rick Hoffarth

Cassandra Holbrook

Diane Honeycutt
Louis Jerome
Ayo Marie Johnson
Monica Johnson
Gabe Jones
Thomas and Teri Jones
George and Betsy Liles
Matthew and Melody Marsh
Debra Martin
Andrew and Carol Mayernik
Jeanne McCarthy
 Debby Melton
Joseph and Jennifer Michalski
James and Laurie Miller
Dawon Millwood and Kelsey Babos
Christopher Moore
Virginia Moore
Mr. Music Man
Gregory and Kathleen Murphy
Tim and Lynn Neal
Lori Nutt
Tracy Oberst
Carolyn Osborne
Donald and Pamela Outen
Scott and Teresa Padgett
Sheetal Patel
Richard and Barbara Perry
Kelley Cartrett Phifer
Mark and Kimberly Plemmons
Lineta Pritchard
Meredith Quinn
Marcia Rest
Teresa Rhodes
Adam Robers
John and Cindy Rossitch
David and Sue Rutland
Donna Safrit
Jamie Sanderbeck
Keshia Sandidge
Donald and Christine Seitz
Ashlie Shanley
Robert and Susan Smith
Joseph and Deborah Stegman
Cynthia Stillwell
Studio 73 Dance
Studio Print Shop
Richard Suggs and Shelley Kester
Darien Swain and Brandon Wilson
Christina Talmage
Chris Triolo
Richard Tucker
John and Kate Turner
Dakeita Vanderburg
Chad VanKeuren
Dean Wike and Mitchell Neely
Snow Wildsmith
Timothy Wiley
Nate and Amy Woolwine
Young Accounting & Tax Group

Chaplin - $100-$249

Shannon Adam

Daryle and Lydia Adams

Maddie Aldrich

Ivan and Betty Ann Alicea

Connor Allman

Alpha Lambda Chapter ADK

Jim and Ginny Amendum

Robert and Carol Anderson

Donald Anthony

Austin Arnder

Brian Arreola

Natalie Atwell

Jean Aube

David and Trisha Austin

Scott and Sarah Avett

Kimberly Baker

Baker Billick, P.A. Attorney at Law

Richie Balderson

Jacqueline Ballas

Robin Barham

Patsy Barrett

Dustin Bass

Fritze Hollingsworth Batts

Mary Baucom

Tammy Bayne

Heline Beach

Daniel and Marcella Beam

Ann Benfield

Tara Bengle

Sabrina Berry

Michael and Kara Bestler

Wendy Betts

Katherine Black

LeDerick and Joslyn Blackburn

Angela Blackwelder

Anthony Blaeser

Kevin and Anna Blessington

Catherine Bonds-Moore

Teresa Bonnett

Mary Bowers

Patsy Bowyer

Roger Boyington

Robert and Deborah Brannan

Kay Bricksin

Sheri Brosnahan

Madie Burch

Tessa Burchett

Lisa Burke

Jeremy Burleson

Richard Burleyson

Edward Burnam

Erin Burris

Matt Alison Burton

William, Jason and Holly Cagle

David and Abby Cagle

Karin Cain

Barry and Julie Cannon

Robert and Loretta Cansler

Amanda Capano

Carolyn Carpenter

Chris and Donna Carpenter

Kindel Carter

Joshua and Heather Case

Sarah Cash

Reid and Jessica Castrodale

Reid and Ashelea Chaney

Audrea Chapman

Andy and Sarah Christy

Ford Church

Linda Clark

Glendie Cobb

Kelly Cohen

Joy Cole

William Black and Delores Coleman

Brian and Lorie Cone

Carole Conners

Victor and Benita Conrad

Christine Corsello

Patti Corzine

Dennis Cowardin

Vern Cowart

Tyler Crahan

Thorns Craven

Paula Cronan

Daniel and Paige Crowe

Aleena Cuillard

D & B Realty, Inc.

Sarah Dabbs

Robert and Charlotte Dagley

Bob Dasch

Joan Davis

Reyna Davis

Beth Deal

Kathy Dean

Ben DeCelle

Kellie Deeter

Bryan and Holli Delaney

Dent Prodigy, LLC

David and Debbie DePompa

Steve and Missy DeSouza

Brian and Robin Dicka

Felecia Dixon

Travis Dove

John and Norma Downing

Dawn Dozier

Quinn Ear, Nose and Throat

Kim and Jon Dressler

Patricia DuMond

Jackie and Susan Duncan

April Duritza

Eastern Cabarrus Historical Society

Erica Ellis

Ericka Ellis-Stewart

Joseph Elmes

Ricky Elmore

Tracy Eudy

Gerald Faulkner

Gus Fennell

Cynthia Fertenbaugh

Locke and Judy Flowe

Timothy and Fran Foley

Don Foskey

Brad and Molly Freidinger

Wayne Gainous

Kevin Garay

Mandy Garrison

Rosemary Gause

Kenneth Geathers, Sr.

Wayne Geith

John Gerig

Giannis Trattoria

Valerie Gibbons

Rick and Lina Gibson

Ray Gill

Jan Gillespie

Inara Glenn

Latrecia Glover

Adrian and Samantha Grass

Mindy Grassel

Nancy Green

David Grelecki

JoAnn Gresham

Sherry Griffin

Charles and Holly Grimsley

Steven Grubb

Kelly Guza

Kelly Hall

Michael Hall

Michael Ham

Tina Hamrick

John Harroff

Richard Harsch

Taylor Hartman

Coburn Hartsell

Hartsell Funeral Homes

Amy Hartz

Chris Hawkins

Carolina Hedgecock

Charles Heilig

Ray Helms

Dan and Julie Henderson

Andrew and Katie Henderwoods

Johnathan and Sara Henry

Kim Herrick

Virginia Herron

Brian and Julie Hiatt

Laurie Hill

Paul and Lucy Hill

Claudette Hinton

Pat Hoerner

Gail Holford

Duke and Hannah Holliway

LM Honeycutt

Sonia Horack

Joe and Pat Horton

Jennifer Hubbard

Bryan and Anna Hunt

Amy Huster

Stephanie Hyatt

Invision Family Eye Care

J K Reeder & Associates

Anne Jaeger

Libby James

Michael Jemison

Joe Phillips Minitries

Jeremy Johnson

Walter, Joyce, and Nancy Hilliard Joyce

Jerry Jude

Rhianna Kaehler

Kannapolis City Schools

Kannapolis Rotary Club

Michael Kehr

Vincent and Eileen Keipper

Doug and Cheryl Kelling

Mitchell Kelling

Jessica Kerr

Patti Key

Samuel and Mariah King

King Financial Corporation

Robert and Elizabeth Kirk

Caroline Davis Knight

Michael and Ashely Knox

Nate and Debbie Knust

Greg Lafferty

Christine Lampel

Tony Lapish

Lisa Lea

Jim and Andrea LeClair

Amy Lee

Family Leliever

Laura Levin

Quint Locklear

Stephen Lods

Canan Long

Meredith Loper

Jim Love

Ande Lowe

Georgia Lozier

Kip and Faith Lyon

Chad Mackie

Dave and Holli Mackling

Clay Maguire

Ryan and Ashley Maher

Mike Maher

Thomas Maher III

Jeremiah and Barbara Manning

Michael Masterson

Tom and Christine McAlarney

AnneMarie Mcallister

Philip McAuley

Amos McClorey

Zac and Lisa McCombs

Brenda McCombs

Beth McCombs

John and Judy McCrimmon

Kevin and Carol McDonald

JC and Pam McKenzie

David and Susan McMurry

Wilma King Means

Marisza Meeseree

Macie Melton

Trey Merritt

Allyson Milam

Brooke Miller

Greg Mills

Shannon Monroe

Eric and Robin Moore

Moretz, Kabr & Gelwicks

Hunter Morrison

Harris and Kate Morrison

Hugh and Mary Margaret Morrison

Shannon Morton

Emily Moser

Mernie Mottola

Sara Munday

Tammy Myers

Larry Nottingham

Mark and Pam Novasad

Oesterreich Law PLLC

Steven and Sara Osborne

Becky Overcash

Alison Paladino

Clay Parnell

Cherly Parnell

Steven and Marsha Patterson

Brian and Lisa Perry

Ben and Porter Peterson

James Pharr, Jr.

April Phillips

Stacey Oilczak

Kathy Pilkington

Mary Pilon

Matt Pommell

Craig Porter

Kelley Poulos

Joel and Sandy Prevette

Edith Wilson Propst

Trent and Kelly Propst

Nancy Protheroe

Janet Purser

Jessica Raborn

Darrell Rader

Randal and Connie Rampey
Nicole Rankin
Lesley Reder
Heather Richter
Joseph and Kimberly Rick
Cindie Burnette Riedinger
Gray Riley
Darlene Roberts
Kathleen Robilotto
Terry and Elizabeth Rodgers
Scott Rodgers
Kathy Rosser
Evan Rowdy Rowe
Ross and Darlene Russo
Cynthia Ryan
Janine Rywak
Adam Sailers
Karl Sain
Jeffrey and Georgann Sapp
Gail Seeger
Matthew Self
Frank and Sandra Sellers
Susan Sessler
Mona Shaban
Kimmie Shano
Van Shaw
Susan Shinn
Mary Shue
Laura Shuman
Beth Simpson
Kelley Slovak
Debbie Smith
Leanne Smith
Allen Smith
Russel Smith
Betsy Hamilton Smith
Don and Alice Smith
Michael David Smith
Paul and Kathy Southworth
Amy Spittle
Mark Spitzer
Diamond Stanton-Williams
Steve and Erika Steinbacher
Lucinda Stewart
Betty Stocks
Londa Strong
Kathleen Subasic
Brian and Elizabeth Sullivan
Ken and Kristel Swayze
Frayla Tarpinian
Lee Tarver
The Hotel Concord
The Palmetto Market
Catherine Thomas
Charles Thomas
Melissa Thonen
Charles and Jeanette Trexler
Brian Troutman
Terri Trunzo
Corey Turner
Melissa Tuttle
Timothy and Gail Vaughn
Sylvia Wagoner
Shawantonia Walden
Whitney Wallace
Robert Walter
LaQuasha Watkins
Andrea Waymire
Garrett West
Patricia West
Jay White
Allison White
Brenda Whitmore
David Wilder
Christy Wilhelm
Michael Williams
Kenya Williamson
Larea Wilson
Adam Wilson
Lamar Wilson
Kristina Wilson
Laura Wood
Cassandra Wood
Larry and Patricia Woods
Amanda Wortman
Christina Wright
Lauren Yang
Catherine Yates
Jody Yearwood
Stefanie Zambrano


Warhol - $50-$99

Karen Ackerman

Connie Adams

Lenora Adams-Tibbs

Anastasia Allen

Kate Allman

Alyson Almond

Nancy Anthony

Peter and Patricia Anzenberger

Angela Askew

Sheree Avant

Yolanda Avery

Rebecca Bahn

Tami Ball

Malia Barrett

Shanda Barringer

Leonard Barringer

Albert Benshoff

Maria Bernhard

Michelle Bibby

Susan Billiar

Susanna Black

Cynthia Boehrns

John Boffemmyer

Margie Burris Bonds

LJohn Booth

Anna Olivia Bost

Kevin Mike Bothwell

Heidi Bower

Karen Routh Braswell

Jennifer Brode

Jamie Buckley

Gray and Kirby Bullard

Kathleen Buovolo-Bowen

Julie Burke

Allison Burris

Doyle and Connie Bussey

Robert Cansler

Katrina Carney

Erica Carpenter

Lymari Carroll

Neal Carter

Ken Caulder

Stephen and Kim Causey

Lynn Chisholm

Michelle Chrismon

Yvette Cianci

Clearwater Artist Studios

Nicki Condon

Tanya Conklin

Bobby and Helen Connor

Kelley Cooksey

Veronica Cordle

David and Kat Cornelius

Dana Cox

Crystal Cronan

Gail Crump

Catherine Daniels

Audrey Daniels

Kim Deason

Jessica DeLaura

Meredith Dorton

Jamesina Douglas

Audy and Margaret Dover

Karla Dowe

Cassey Drake

Dana Driver

Rod and Sharon Duncan

Cathy Dupont

Darnesha Eddinfield

Carleen Edwards

Wayne Eigenmann and Lisa Krass

Amy Elwood

Kelli Embler

Lisa Emerson

Anne Everman

Rob Ferguson

Nichole Fesperman

Leslie Finks

Travis Eller and Tammy Fisher

Brian Fitzsimmons

Claude Forehand

Benjamin and Gwendolynn Franklin

Lachelle Freeman

Melanie Freeman

Roger Furlin

Sharell Gause

Li Gilfillan

Dee Gillespie

Ryan Goodman

Michael and Amy Gough

Bill and Veronica Grady

Cheri Graham

Coretta Grant

William Green

Priscilla Green

Elisa Gregorich

Andrew Grier

Ken and Gwen Griffin

Angela Griffin

Brad and Paige Grochoske

Sarah Gugino

Dana Habersang

Dan Hagler

Timothy Hagler

Heather Halbach

Jennifer Halchin

Cid and Lea Halloway

Gregory Hames

Sterling Hammond

Jessica Hannah

Steve Hardican

Judy Hargrove

Felix Harper

Debbie Harris and Heather Timbs Fulghum

Tiffany Hatchett

Robert and Barbara Hayes

Brandon Helms

Stacy Hensley

Margaret Hillman

Brooke Hinson

Deborah and Tom Hoard

Chekirah Holloway

Rebecca Hoover

Hopkins Family Properties, LLC

Craig Hopkins and Douglas Lowe

Amber Hughes

Sean Hunter

Kevin and Elizabeth Hutchins

Vicki Isenhour

Candice Johnson

Paige Little Johnson

Robert Andrew and Kelly Jones

William Joyce

Just Bailey Designs

Namu Kachroo

Kannapolis African American Museum and Cultural Center Inc.

Kannapolis Junior Women's Club

Vidhushi Kaul

Jason Kinnion
Devin Kirkpatrick
Mary Kissiah
Captain Kevin Klinglesmith
Carolyn Koonce
Howard Kreger
Benjamin Kunesh
John Lamkin
Martha Lane
Miracle Larmand
Warren Lash
Michael Leatherman
Gayle Love Lee
Sokoya Lindsay
Erin Lindstedt
Buell and Debra Little
Kia Livingston
Kasey Lough
Lorena Luther
Anthony Maher
Kelly Martin
David Masten
Beverly May Maulden
Marsha McClellan
Richard McGuire
Jonathan McKinsey
Amanda McMillin
Dometra Mercer
Amy Mierzwa
Haley Mitchell
Misty Moler
Kristin Morrison
Carla Moyer
Nina Mullaney
Gary Myerscough
Kim Nash
Robert Neal
Wayne and Kay Nixon
Reeshemah Norris
Meg Norton
Patricia Maureen O'Bryan-Grogg
Kevin O'Hare
Debbie O'Shields
Outpost Design
Lawrence Edward Oyler
Russell Parker
David Pearson
Phillip Penn
Alex and Teresa Porter
Renda Powell
Matthew Price
Melinda Rachels
Elaine Ramsey
Tim Readling
Equipo Reapilotto
Susan Renz
Megan Ridenhour
Alisha Ritchie
Charles Roberts
Anthony Robilotto
Aaron Rogers
Nanda Rogers
Belinda Rojo
Paul Sacksteder
Elizabeth Sain
April Samples
Kelly Schmidt
Mary Lynn Sedivec
Michael Seymour
Nasir and Kayatta Shabazz
Jessica Shoop
Sidney Lanier Book Club
Tedra Slade
Karey Smith
Cathleen Smith
Lori Smith
George Smith, III
Tanisha Smoutherson
Leslie Beth Sossoman
Joan Spradlin
Lakiesha Squirewill
Courtney Steinburg
David Stirewalt and Jeanna Boyd
Terri Stowers
Beth Street James and Linda Sullivan
Fred Suther
Ann Swanson
Maria Swiatek
Hazel Tapp
Michael, Chad, and Kelly Tarlton
Pam Tarnowski
Robert and Lani Temple
The Lenz Studio
Pamela Thomas
Renee Thomas
Greg and Kasia Thompson
Patrick and Ashley Tierney
Top Ties & Things
Beryl Torrence
Sandra Torres
David Troutman
Gayathiri Venkateswaran
Anije Vickers
Terri Wagner
Gretchen Walker
Nathan Wall
Elle Walsh
Pat Waters
Dana Watkins
Kassie Watts
WE Creative LLC
Sandra West
Carla West
Anita Wiley-Holman
Rob and Kristen Williams
Meredith Williams
Erica Williard
Elaine Wilson
Barbara Wilson-Propst
Crystal Wright
Stephanie Younger
Lashon Zamor

Kahlo - up to $49

Denene Dukes-Asemota

Abby Barringer Pottery

Mavis Adam

Charmaine Alexandra Aldridge

Debora Allder


Chelsea Anderson

Erin Anderson

Terri Anderson

Angelique Anderson

Melissa Arnold

Michelle Asbury

Steven Ashby

Elizabeth Augenreich

Willmarie Austin

Theresa Azzara

Eureka B

Beth Badour

Laura Bagen

Whitney Bangert

Angela Banks-Johnson

Jill Barbee

Lamar and Christine Barrier

Kirk Beard

Nina Beech

David Belo

Patricia Blakely

Zandra Boepple

Lou Ann Boger

Adrienne Boger

Thomas and Margaret Bonanni

Buford and Patricia Bost

Carolyn Bost

Earlene Bost

Suzanne Botts

Arrington Bowman

Wanda Bracero

Catalina Bradley

Chelsea Brinkley

Jamie Brown

Marie Brown

Catherine Bruce

Deanna Bruzzese

Jaymond Bryant-Herron

Jean Buffum

M.J. Buhrer

Angela Bunting

Kelly Burgess

Shelley Burke

Wanda Burns

Jessica Burris

Cabarrus Art Guild

Amy Callahan

Casie Carpenter

Penny Carroll

Janice Carty

Lisa Carvin

Kelly Chandler

Makeyba Charles

April Clark

Zachary Clark

Aaron Clay

Sally Cochran

Luz Cole

Isaiah Coleman

Concord Alumnae Chapter - Delta Signma Theta

Jane Conversano

Holly Cooper

Celeste Corbett

Gwendolyn Cousar

Ford and Crystal Craven

Robert Crawford

Jenny Crocker

Ricky Crocker

Beth Cruse

Walker and Jenny Dabbs

Rachel Daramanivong

Walter Junoius Davis

Geneska Dawson

Drew Deal

Lee Deal

LaDawn Denny

Andrea Desantis

Cassandra Dixon

Kathy Dorton

Carolyn Dowdy

Jabina Doyle

Monique Dozier

Stephanie Drew

Susan Drye

Carla Cannon Durham

Reneshia Eady

Nodisha Echols

Erin Elledge

Britt Ellis

June Ellis

Brenda Elwood

Christine Englar

Esther's Heart for Transformation

John Eury

Vickie Evans

Nancy Faggart

Kayleigh Fessenden

Tara Fincher

Ashley Fisher

Kelly Fitzsimmons

Alisha Fleming

Brian and Stephanie Floyd

Nalisha Foard

Candice Ford

Justin Durant Fowler

Zaria Franklin

Erin Freeze

Heidi Fromke

Jon Fromke

Lisa Frye

Tony Fuller

Connie Furr

Lee G

Eric Gaddy

Richard and Dana Galloway

Victoria Giraldo

Lynne Godfrey

Phil and Jeanne Goodman

Renee Goss

Tami Gosselin

April Graham

Kelsey Grant

Juanita Green

Marisa Sioban Greene

Meechen Grimes

Mark Gullett

Mariel Guns

Constance Haake

Tiffany Haines

Bonita Ham

Allison Hammett

Kay Hammill

Angie Harness

Lynn Tran Harris

Meka Harris

Anja Hart

Jessie Harwood

Gabriella Hawkins

Christine Hayes

Ann Haynes

Lisa Haynie

Charles Don and Sara Heiser

Katie Helms

Harris and Jenice Hennessee

Family Hetrick

Teresa Hillie

Kelly Hinebaugh

Mallory Hodgson

Shyluer Holder

Julie Holland

Steffany Holloway

Kendricks Hooker

Lori Hornbeck

Wyounda Horton

Jacob and Ruby Hughey

Felicia Hunt

Bailey Hunter

Lori Ivey

Sindhu Janagama

Dorinda Jenkins

Adam Jochim

Cindy Johnson

Monica Johnson

Sandra Johnson

Emily Jones

Kristin Jones

M P Jordan

Michelle Joshua

Katie Karlon

Kelia Keeling

Erin Kegley-Parris

Tammy Kelly

Desmarie Kennings

John Kimball

Vernie King

Traci Kirkpatrick

Laurie Klaus

Elena Kon

Taleena Kranz

Kelly Lambert

Tamarra Lampkin

Carolyn Larke

Leah Carnick Ledford

LaDonte' Lee

Damian Lee

Neota Lee

John LeGrand

Amelia Lenke

Ute Lentz

Hollie Lesser

Keon Lewis

Sue Lewis

Marti Lineberger

Melissa Llado

Nancy Lombardi

Latanya Lorick

Monica Lott

Laren Faye Barringer Love

Grace Lozier

Scott Lurie

Amy Luther

Shirley Mack

John MacQueen

Natalie Marles

Mayfonia Mayhew

Ian McBrayer and Jennifer Delaney

Nelson McCaskill

Keonna McDougald

E.J. McDuffie

Harold McKinnon

Kristen McKnight

Mary McNamee

Karen McNevin

Becky McRorie

Victoria Meneese

Larissa Mervin

Teonia Miller

Amanda Miller

Elizabeth Mitchell

Ana Morgan

Tina Morgan

Taylor Morris

Cal Morrison

Mickey Mouse

Grace Mynatt

Bindu Nanjappan

Danielle Naughtin

D Newby

Bruce Nichols

Roberta Norman

Norris For Concord

Katherine Nunn

Sandra Odell

Amy Newton Orourke

Susan Osada

George Otteni

Candy Overcash

Elisa Pacheco

Jonathan Park

David Passine

Janis Patterson

JT and Jessica Patton

Autumn Payne

Veronica Perez

Cindy Picarella

Wendy Platt

Rachel Pope

Christina Preciado

Amy Preston

Amanda Prevette

Agatha Punay

Helene Putman


Angela Race

Dolphas and Linda Ramseur

Kathryn Randall

Dot Reilly
Stephanie Reister
Donna Richards
Yvonne Ritchie
Melissa Rivers
Tonya Rivers
William Robinette
Stephanie Robinson
Gracie Rodgers
Augusta Rodriguez
Holly Rogers
Weston Rogers
Billie Rosene
Pamela Rostonski
Leigh Ann Ruehlen
Carrie Rufty
Cindy Ryan
Katherine Sabour
Tanja Salary
Hanah Sales
Rebecca Santos
Dana Sbardella
James and Dara Scheer
Kimberly Schimpf
Stephanie Schomaker
Stephanie Schwartz
Sarah Seabolt
Craig Shaw-Bulter
Kim Shephard
Steven and Vernie Shipp
LJ Shoenthal
Valerie Short
Paige Shue
Jeannie Sidi
Tara Silver
Lauren Simpson
Kieva Skinner
Terri Smalls
Youndolyn Smith
Nicole Smith
Theron Smoutherson
Jim Spina
Donna Springs
Tiffany St. Louis
Jinsa Staford
Dustin Stamp
Jeff Stanley
Louanne Stanton
Matt Stone
Melanie Stowe
Monique Sutton
Kimberly Swindle
Chastity Szabo
Rob Taylor
Waynett Taylor
Rebecca Brawley Thompson
Kyle Thompson
Robert Bullard Thompson
Michelle Tipton
Cresslyn Trexler
John Trombley
Calista Tucker
Matthew Underwood
Miguel Vargas
Jessica Vaughn
Jake Verbiest
Amy Vestal
Stephan Greer Vick
Sarah Vingoe
Elizabeth Wallace
Sarah Wallace
Bethany Walton
Treval Webb
Donald and Amanda White
Nolita White
Kenneth and Mia Whitley
Jennifer Wiggins
Sophia Wilkerson
Tamika Wilks
Garion Williams
Sherelldra Williams
Charlie Williams
Zaccheus Williams
Julianna Willis
Jody Wilson
Jennifer Scott Wood-Ridenhour McDowell
FredRicki Woolwine

Gifts In Memory Of

Harry Booth (given by Jenny Crocker and Catherine Daniels)

Sue Hartsell (given by Katherine Nunn)


Donations to the Cabarrus Arts Council support exhibitions in The Galleries, schools programs, Davis Theatre performances and grants to local arts organizations.  The arts council is grateful for gifts of any size.

Contributions may be mailed to PO Box 809, Concord, NC 28026-0809; made through our website or by calling 704-920.2787.

Keith and Gerry Gehl

Impact Technologies

Shoe Show

The Cabarrus Arts Council thanks

Mariam & Robert Hayes Charitable Trust
Atrium Health
Embassy Suites
Corning Incorporated
Fifth Third
Hilton Garden Inn
Independent Tribune
Eli Lilly and Company
Explore Cabarrus
Market Street Studios
Billy Harrison Revocable Trust for Charity
Cabarrus Brewing Company
F&M Bank
Impact Technologies
Publix Super Markets Charities
Shoe Show
Uwharrie Bank
Younce & Co., P.A
City Of Concord
Kannapolis City
Midland Logo
Mt Pleasant Logo
Cabarrus County

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